Ramford Institute of Business Management (pvt) Ltd. has been incorporated in 2011 by a team of educated intellectual professionals from different fields and having vast knowledge and experience in the field of education and is registered under the Companies Act at registrar of company (Samagama Medura) .
It has its own strategic alliances and affiliations with foreign and local educational and other education related organisations to give a premier services to the student and working professionals. The Ramford offers professional courses, seminars, short courses, workshops and skills development programs in field of Accounting & Finance, Audit & Assurance, Sales & Marketing, Business & Management, Human Resource Management, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Computer & IT, Health & Safety, English & other languages and soft skills developments.
Our organisation is student-centred organisation and delivers high-end professional training and education.
We are one of the global pioneer Institute in many countries for professional and academic qualifications